Welcome to David Ianni’s website

Each of David’s compositions is unique and touching, celebrating the gift of life, the treasure of peace and the blessing of forgiveness. Striving to touch people both onstage and in life, David loves to work with people and is capable of inspiring others with his enthusiasm and love for life. Among others, David has worked with children, cancer patients, refugees and disabled people. The powerful beauty of his music unites people regardless of their ethnic origin, religion, social status or age. David strives to leave a positive impact through his musical projects on everyone involved. Several albums with his music have been released to great public acclaim. His works are published exclusively at Universal Edition.
You can follow David on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, sign up for his newsletter and subscribe to his YouTube channel.
LATEST NEWS | News Archive
Songs of Love, Vol. 2 • New Album
With Songs of Love, Vol. 2, pianist and composer David Ianni invites listeners on a captivating musical journey. The 24 pieces, composed in all major and minor keys, unfold like small universes, each telling its own story with emotional depth. From meditative calm to gentle moments and virtuosic brilliance, Ianni explores the full spectrum of human emotion.
Titles like Lamento, Prayer for Peace, Passion, and Rainbows offer a glimpse into this rich diversity. The music is characterized by serenity and introspection, yet also resonates with powerful, passionate melodies that touch the heart and uplift the soul.
An album that invites the listener to pause, reflect, and be carried by the healing power of music.
Titles like Lamento, Prayer for Peace, Passion, and Rainbows offer a glimpse into this rich diversity. The music is characterized by serenity and introspection, yet also resonates with powerful, passionate melodies that touch the heart and uplift the soul.
An album that invites the listener to pause, reflect, and be carried by the healing power of music.
Yoga Konzerte im Cube 521
Der Pianist, Komponist und Yogalehrer Jnanadev David Ianni verbindet in seinen Yogakonzerten die Schönheit der Musik mit der Anmut des Atmens und den sanften Bewegungen des Körpers. Ein Konzerterlebnis der besonderen Art für Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren.
Klavier, Yoga und Stille. Yoga führt in die Stille des Herzens und verbindet uns mit unserem inneren Licht. Auch ohne Vorkenntnisse oder körperliche Flexibilität kann die inspirierende Kraft des Yoga erlebt werden. Der Pianist, Komponist und Yogalehrer Jnanadev David Ianni lädt Sie ein in dieser Verbindung von Klang, Bewegung und Stille einen Raum zu schaffen, um körperliches Wohlbefinden und tiefe Ruhe zu erfahren. Dauer: 90 Minuten.
Die Yogakonzertreihe kann als Package (3 Konzerte) zum Preis von 60 € gebucht werden.
Klavier, Yoga und Stille. Yoga führt in die Stille des Herzens und verbindet uns mit unserem inneren Licht. Auch ohne Vorkenntnisse oder körperliche Flexibilität kann die inspirierende Kraft des Yoga erlebt werden. Der Pianist, Komponist und Yogalehrer Jnanadev David Ianni lädt Sie ein in dieser Verbindung von Klang, Bewegung und Stille einen Raum zu schaffen, um körperliches Wohlbefinden und tiefe Ruhe zu erfahren. Dauer: 90 Minuten.
Die Yogakonzertreihe kann als Package (3 Konzerte) zum Preis von 60 € gebucht werden.
New Single: Soulmates
Experience the depth of connection with "Soulmates," a composition that explores the profound bond between souls. This piece is a musical journey that transcends the ordinary, inviting you to embrace the beauty of deep connection and the timeless dance of love. Let "Soulmates" be the soundtrack to your moments of reflection, where every note speaks to the heart and soul.
Variations for Giulia • New Album
Introducing the “12 Variations for Giulia,” a heartfelt collection of piano pieces composed in celebration of my daughter Giulia’s 12th birthday. Each variation carries a unique title, such as “Cuddly Cats,” “Cooking Together,” “Papa’s Principessa,” “Happy Dance,” “Forgiving Everyone,” “First Love,” and “Peaceful Slumber.” These pieces, while easy to play for both children and adults, offer a profound emotional journey, with every variation centered around a simple yet captivating 5-note theme.
Songs of Hope • New Album

WITHIN • A Yoga Music Video
Wherever the restless and unsteady mind wanders, lead it back and bring it under control WITHIN the Self.
Bhagavad Gītā
To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.
Nelson Mandela
David Ianni’s MY URBAN PIANO (2017/2018)
All MY URBAN PIANO infos and and videos ➝ here
A firework of pianistic brilliance and technical versatility.
Luxemburger Wort
Lyrisme et sens de l’image, un grand sens de la couleur et des atmosphères…
David Ianni holte seine Zuhörer ab aus der Rastlosigkeit des Alltags, um sie auf eine Reise in eine Welt einzuladen, in der es allein der Kraft der Klänge obliegt, Traumwelten zu erschließen, Bilder in die Luft zu zeichnen und die großen und kleinen Geschichten des Lebens zu erzählen.
Passauer Neue Presse
People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
If you want to have a musical composition written exclusively for you in order to give your personality, brand or institution a unique signature music that reaches the hearts, don’t hesitate to get in touch.